

Yes, on the 25th of February was the day where more than 500 Malaysian folks regardless of skin and race strut their ‘sarong’ swag altogether from KL Sentral to the KLCC Park.

It all started by a meet-up at 4pm where people from randomalphabets briefed us how we go about, colour papers were given to us with the informations that we needed to know and at the back of the paper each and everyone of us wrote our sarong story.

Regardless on how many of us (including myself) not knowing how to wear the sarong properly, everyone was nice to point out and gave each another a hand to get it right. of much political issues and racial slurs that had been going on that was definitely the best sight to be seen from the entire flashmob.

interesting figures made the entire thing much more interesting.

upon stops by stops, ‘sarong aites’ we singing jollily, public were happy to see this peculiar sight of a bunch of ‘sarong aites’ and coaches of trains filled with happy ‘sarong aites’.

If sarong wasn’t your style, some of these women dressed up in their classy kebayas.

not to mention several shutterbugs could not resist this unweary sight. this guy particularly above, was spotted again at the klcc park at the end of the flashmob.

some of the tourist were too delighted to see us in sarongs they even went fourth and asked one of the guys;

Tourist dude: “What is it like to wear these (sarong)?”
Sarong dude: “It’s nice, like free air condition!”

When you read “malaysian folks” at the starting of the post i bet you didn’t predicted this happy caucasian man sported the sarong as well. The truth is he wasn’t the only one.

Another amused man seeing people sporting the sarongs.

wearing sarong with another 500+ people was indeed a different experience, what’s better was to see so many people of different cultural roots came fourth and join the flashmob. for once everybody smiled and wasn’t shy to take picture with strangers and judging each another, for once everyone got along.

words & fhotto : blackodc

True Malaysians

how could we have ever forgotten about them ?  in the midst of us striving forward, for development, richness and glory, we’ve decided to leave behind true BUMIPUTRAS (sons of the soil)


Fhotto & words: fei


lives tied in a knot  each represents those you’ve met whichever stage of life you’re at  there will be one crossway you’ll never forget

And when you start to welcome people into your life those unnecessary arguments

non-explainable melancholy days everything that they do affects how you see the world then you ask yourself …

now what? 

Words & Photo by: LetterPee


We see light, we want light.

How many of us actually chase after the light or maybe witness the rise of it from dusk to dawn?

MANY said that the future is in our hands, what if our hands were full of things that we couldn’t even comprehend to begin with.

possibilities and opportunities are endless but which one would be the one that gives us a chance to rise up against the norm?

maybe it’s out of hand or maybe we just need to focus.

Fhotto & text : blackodc

Old town Kopitiam

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No, not the overpriced Malaysian franchise bullshit, but literally, an old time Kopitiam where       everybody under the Malaysian sun can enjoy – respective of race, creed, religion and belief.

In this small, sleepy and humid town by the beaches of Terengganu, you will find somewhat a better depiction of 1Malaysia – minus all the televisual and billboard propaganda. Something more solid, lucid, and true.

If you transpose yourself to more highly developed urban towns like KL and that sort, try looking around you and see for yourself those having their meals. Until you realise it, you’ve already lost it.


words and fhotto: feix

There’s more to life than indifference, that is understanding.

This City.

there is something so distinct about the city of Melbourne. The kind of aura it projects. The smell, the sight, the sound, it all plays with your human emotions, your feelings, your soul.

From time to time, it has its way of calling you by name. Reminding you of all the little things that carved your memory from past and present. Of its people, culture and power, it calls you by name.

 Fhotto and words: Anonymous